Rabbi Tells Hidden History Of Zionism and Islam that Will Leave You Spee...
Listening to these testimonies by the Jews and Christians who used to live in the Middle East before the Zionist Freemasons plotted anc conspired to set the whole area on fire by establishing this satanic imposter cancerous tumor in the Holy Land they call Israel just makes me sad more than sad actually I am furious you should be too because (all) our problems we face stems out of this cancerous ideology which is Zionism, your dictators exist because of this issue, your financial problems is because of this issue, your immigration is cuz of this issue, all the deaths and destructions is over this issue of Zionism, and the Freemasons are playing both sides, as Satan their dark lord does best, play both sides, if I were you folks I would have abandoned all other issues at hand and (only) concentrated on the issue of Zionism and how to make sure with Gods help to wipe history clean of this once and for all, because nothing else matters. Listen to me folks ! you dont have to know the faces...