China's vanishing mosques - BBC News

All people of faith ! you must rise up against communism and Chinas interest all around the world, especially their official, there has to be repercussions for this, what doesnt surprise me hos the so called Muslims and not just their useless corrupt leaders but everyday Muslims doesnt boil up when it comes to the communists in China, especially the Pakistanis, their hatred for India is to the extent that they rather be enslaved to the communists these luciferian rats than to criticize them to show their anger when it comes to these who are openly errecating anything to do with faith under their rule, and the Palestinians, have you ever seen a Palestinian or a molla or anyone really bring this subject up, of course not, because they only care for themselves, so I can only ask of God to punish these people with themselves being enslaved further, more and more because they have been proven to be up to no good themselves, these so called Muslims deserve to live themselves under these conditions, and I have said it before, and I base by judgment on the fact that I know these people, no question that this is a punishment from God Himself, I have no empathy for these Palestinians these shias these sunnis none of them, useless freebreathers, never been up to no good anyway, even Prophet Mohammad said one in thousand of them will enter Paradise and that was when the Muslims were much better than they are today, this is the fate of you so called Muslims, you are all waste of time and I better spend my time on those there is a bit hope for, but I wont forget the enemies of God, these luciferian communists and that monkey Xi and those of his, they will come to pay for their crimes in this life and next if it will be the last thing I will do, I am going to make their lives as miserable as I can, we will come to collide in time, I say this again, this has nothing to do with the good Chinese people, they have been suffering under these communists more than anyone else, and you better believe me when I say, if the communists did this to the Christians to the Jews or to anyone else my reaction would have been the same, evil like this can simply not be tolerated, they are everything we are not, we want a free world where anyone can criticize anything and anyone, if you want to be critical towards God sure thing, you are free to do even that, if you want to paint anyone in any shape you want fine do that, I wouldnt stop you, God dont need me to stop you, He doesnt need anyone to do anything, and also restricting people like that ha never been the way to go about things, but then you can say well you want to stop gay parades, well here is how I would like it to be, I see the problem we have around the world and taking America as an example with all its domestic problems I have discovered the reason there is so much divisions so much racism and such a divide between the Believers and those oppose to them, starting with racism because this something that has the potential to boil over among other things, is because you cannot stop talking about race issues constantly, I would suggest you should stop this with black history month, white history month, Hispanic this and that day or month, gay days, today you even has extended one day of gay marches to a whole month and named a whole month after it, you think you are promoting tolerance but the facts on the ground shows the opposite, racism is on the rise and everything along with it, so you are doing something wrong, as always, I suggestion is to end all that, never again remind people that there are even different races just stop with all these things in the public, and after a while all these divisions will disappear with it and if you dont you are only making things worse and you know what worse means, well you have experienced civil war before, civil war is like a fighting match in sports, have you seen two boxers before the match how they trash talk each other and after they have beaten themselves half dead then they become reasonable and humble and hug each other, after they have beaten each other to half death !! thats two persons and not a whole nation with hundred of millions and the costs of that, why take things that far but I know I am speaking to deaf ears, you have a wicked culture promoting this on all levels and I fear you will only become humble after a fight and not before, you think you are superior and above all reason right now, look the best way to heal all on all sides is to, tomorrow start be less selfish by giving as much as you are taking, these communists are not much worse than the people of America if you really think about it, the only difference between you and them is, there one ideology has taken over everything without taking in consideration of others and their ideas, you in American and many of your diverse schools of thought would do the same if you had the chance, if the liberals could, they would have eradicated anything to do with morality while the conservatives would have well you have seen the series Handmaids Tale, like the mollas has done in Iran, like many others has done, like in Sodom here, you think these rats have any sense of shame, think again, but I also have good tidings, all this is going to change for better, so help us God and He will :) and Amen to that.

But for now we have to unite against the Communist Party of China and their Xi Puh, emperor my ass who the hell does he think he is, haa
