Luis Alvarez, former NYC detective and advocate for first responders, di...

God loves selfless heroes those who risk their lives to save others, Luis Alvarez tried to save people before he got sick and more so when he was not in a better shape, he is a true hero in my book so I hope God gives him a slack a pass on the Day of Judgment, Amen.

Look friends, entering Paradise is NOT for anyone, it is the most exclusive club, what I am always trying to tell you is, dont take it for granted that you will be given a place there, if you do you have already lost your place, it is the truth, He is most merciful but dont challenge your fate is what I am trying to remind you of, let us all tonight ask God to be extra merciful towards Mr Alvarez and perhaps He will listen to our prayers, if you have noticed, I am always saying (perhaps) even in such cases where things perhaps look a clear case, we shouldnt take anything for granted or He will neglect us, I certainly hope Mr Alvarez will soon find himself at a better place, Amen.
