Trump addresses proposed sanctions against Iran

I like the sound of it, sanctions ! look what I dont understand is, why place additional sanctions upon additional sanctions, when you can place a package of sanctions that is 110% air tight from the get go, so that there will be no room for anything additional amendments, something has to be very clear for the mollas, these sanctions will NOT go away after President Trump has left office, the sanctions will remain till the day the mollas these traitors of Iran are wiped out, one way or the other, I am saying, the sanctions will never go away as long as the mollas are running Iran so dont kid yourselves you disgusting mollas you traitors you back stabbers, I am going to make you feel never ending pain, you will never gonna get rid of me, presidents comes and goes, I will remain and I will remain till you are eradicated, I will with Gods help have justice from you, and for the Iranian people, you are partly responsible for this, the sooner you get rid of these traitors the sooner I will improve all your lives, and not a second before, you have my word on it, its either the mollas or I, make your choice, and I want the grant molla alive, I am going to humiliate him before the eyes of the world.
