US drone shooting highlights Iran's advanced weapons technology

It was nothing significant about shooting the Global Hawk drone down , for those who know a thing or two about these systems they know the Global Hawk is perhaps the easiest flying object to target and shoot down, because, its slow big and it cant defend itself, its like shooting down a small airliner and its huge on radar, it wanst significant at all, I need to make something clear here, I do NOT want to see an open war between the US and Iran for the reasons I have explained many times in the past, but I do wish to illuminate every single one of the molla regime, because I know their true nature, I know who they are, they are luciferians misusing Islam and for this they all have to pay the ultimate price for and they will, God willing but how that need to go about is where many of us differe, the only way to do this is for a legitimate Muslim Army to invade and finish them all, the true Party of God and NOT this shia HezbeSheytan from Lebanon, the party of the Devil, created by the luciferian mollas, not them but the True Party of God has to invade Iran and bring back true peace and free its people, this is the only way to get rid of the mollas, if the US attack them this will only unite Iranians around these monsters, because they dont know better so I dont blame them, so we have to do everything for the luciferian war hawks not to push for a war with the mollas, this must not happen, this will only bring about WW3 and trust me, this will only work in the favor of the luciferians, we dont want that, the end of the mollas is near friends, they will get humiliated as they have done so with others, I am not hiding the fact, and I also know 90% of the Iranians people will welcome this, but the truth is much much deeper than this friends, much deeper, in time you will know it all, I promise, and for those who will support the mollas I say, you do it on your own risk.
