Victory for Hong Kong’s Protesters, a Huge Cocaine Bust & Trump's Tampa ...

The unfortunate thing in 2014 was that I was not directly involved in it, I had other issues I was busy with, heavy stuff of my own but now I am free baby, free at last, how I have all the time in the world to put all my attention into this thing with the Communist Party of MaoLand and their crimes against humanity, now I am going to direct all the worlds attentions to this topic too and we have already done a good job I will say, I promise all the Chinese people this, one day Hong Kong is not going to look like the MaoLand but the other way around, I will do whatever to make that happen, but I need your help too, in all logical cases normally the one in need of help that has to reach out and take the first step then help will arrive but now as unconventional as we are, you dont have to take the first step, we are helping you with the first step but I need you to take the second step yourselves, you cant ask for better than this, together we can fly to mysterious places what do you say ??? :):)
