I never thought this day would come for me to oppose leaving Afghanistan, but from what I know today and with the information I have today I would not suggest we leave ANYWHERE !! not right now, I know it cost and has cost too much to be there but right now with the situation we face today from threats from too many sides leaving in this case Afghanistan would only empower the mortal enemies of America, this is just the fact folks, perhaps we shouldnt gone in there at the first place that is one valid argument but right now is NOT the time to to begin with spend a fortune on Afghanistan then leave it for other countries to move in to corrupt and buy up everything for penny on the dollar, it is a very bad idea for this reason only, Afghanistan will become stable God willing with the right people supporting it and their people will gladly stand with us in time, I strongly advise the Muslims the God fearing brave Afghans NOT to let any communist these who are murdering believers of all faiths to come in to take over, we will restore glory to the Afghan people but it will recourse some time and patience by the Afghans themselves, I am the commander of the Believers and they better do as I say, no communists there !!!!!!! and if you do then may God curse you, forever, but I know you will do the right thing, this time, God willing, I will build an Afghanistan for you your wildest imaginations could not think of, all under God, Afghanistan is mine, I dont want any communists or anyone else there.
