What some sceptics need to know, our young black and other minorities and less privileged whites can either be a resource for growth or be a burden, its either of these options we have, I rather have them as a resource and not something the whole country has to come to pay for in forms of higher taxes when they end up in prisons, instead of spending having them locked up isnt it better if they can contribute for growth ?? and universal healthcare even our wealthier citizens will end up paying less than they do today, so I dont understand why anyone can be against paying less and for universal healthcare, and think about how much productive the overall public will get all these families that has been bankrupted by the healthcare costs they fall behind, look friends, its a win win situation, for all, not for the greedy less than 1%, the 0001%, you know if you are against this wonderful idea you are directly supporting them getting richer than they already are, what are you all suffering from some extreme version of the Stockholm syndrome ????? get hold of yourselves, even these Stockholmers dont suffer to this extreme, they themselves have universal healthcare and you dont hear their super rich complaining about their healthcare, and this argument with, I like my current doctor, look, we are like automobiles, like any Cadillacs ;) when your car breaks down or in need of new parts, the procedure is the same for all Candies, the same medicine works just as good for all bodies, there are no second hand anything, may God forbid if you get sick you seek up any hospital they fix you up and of you go again all healthy, you dont need to suckup to any particular docktor, they are there to do what they have learned in medical school for any patient, they were never taught there are first and second class healing processes, you all need to get behind this, stop this nonsense of socialism and labels like this, we are talking about better ideas on doing things, it is NOT a battle of ideologies politicizing everything in left and right, we are talking about all our common well being guys, it is for you too its for all of us, lets make America healthy again, what do you say ??:):) dont you want to pay less for more, and if you dont why dont you go live in a communist country or something.
