Lebanon's Hash Industry | DW English

Most of this is grown in southern Lebanon, the point is, Hezbesheytan and its Iranian molla headmaster hassan nasrala is behind this illegal and thisful trade, listen carefully friends, in Iran, anually they burn up "all" the drugs IRGC get their hands on, and look for yourselves, its not even a fraction of a truck full, its a joke, hundred times more than they burn up for the sake of the spectacle they transit out of Iran, or half of it, the other half they use to drug down Iranians, and here is the thing, who are those that uses these illicit drugs, it is always the yes the doers the brave the intelligent the intelligent yet dumb and more importantly, those who possess a threat to the System, in other words the otherwise useful solders those who would make sure bringing down tyrants, so what do these evil elites do, they flood the streets with this crap to make people addicted to it, then profit from it then and when these now addicted beaten down fighters when their spirit has been diminished to nothing and becomes criminals then the System the state round them up and throw them into prisons to neutralize them as a threat to the System, then the System come in and take over all other aspects of your lives with draconian laws, and walla now they have full control over everything, the house always wins, until YOU wake up and overthrow every single one of them, and make them pay for all the crimes they are behind, and as Believers, look at Afghanistan, a truly cursed country, and why is that you think, its because they have been polluting the world with their heroin and look how God has judged them, do not allow these drugs pay for the food you feed your children with, you are bringing misery upon all around that table, you must resist, rather go and die of hunger than feed yourself and your family with blood money that kind of money, When I say I want to decriminalize all drugs and let the state produce and distribute it, I dont mean to profit from it, I want to take out these criminals and with the plan I have, with in 15-20 years we would have eliminated this drug epidemic all over the place, the light drugs people can do whatever the hell they want with it, the harder drugs and the people behind those is what we must combat to save our youths from, and also before I end this, Iran is a transit hub for all drugs coming out west, just so you know, the evil mollas are getting super rich along with their guard dogs the IRGC, they will all be sent to Hell, God willing, they will face a humiliating defeat :)
