Neil DeGrasse Tyson Breaks Down Science vs Religion, Survival, & Answers...

I dont think the title should be phrased as science vs religion although I can understand why it can be seen this way after what organized religions and what harm they have done both in the name of science and outside its framework, I do understand this completely, I personally do not subscribe to any organized religions, what I have done is to first of all before anything asking myself, it all starts right there, with oneself, asking if I die drop dead right now, will I stop to exist completely or will I go elsewhere, and here is where the question of us having a soul comes into question, and the answer is easy, yes we have souls because we simply are NOT alive on this planet, anybody who knows anything is fully aware of this, and these beings are not carbon based but something else, one can say they are spiritual beings, so whatever they are they are not carbon based meaning there are lot more than what science can explain, and when our scientists have an explanation for this profound question, present their experimental results on paper and give us this then we or these sceptics then we can move to the next step, and before that I dont think they should criticize us when they dont have these answers, we do have the answers, perhaps not on paper but with experiments, so we know there are other intelligent beings not carbon based here on this planet, and from what we know in other dimensions as well, and from what I have hearing is that , there has been a very selected human beings that has jumped between these worlds and they have evidence for it, indisputable evidence, but never mind all that for now, I personally am convinced we have a soul, I even go further than that and say every living being everything that lives has a soul, even this planet have a soul and is fully aware of its surroundings like plants are, but the soul of planet Earth is not as primitive as plants are, far from it, far far from it, it is very intelligent in fact and its a kind soul, and we are harming it, breaking its heart sort of speak, its true, anyways, going back to our own species, I am convinced after I die I wont stop to exist, I will go elsewhere, look guys, the physical universe will eventually go back to its former state, things here even though it might so vast and huge will eventually and much sooner than you can imagine will stop to exist, the Universe will end one day, then what, if you say well then its the end of everything you are free to believe it, I say those beings in other universes, then what about them, because our universe and theirs our world and theirs are not the same, when our ends it doesnt mean others will end as well you have no evidence claiming this, you dont know, I say theirs will NOT end when ours do, so that leaves more possibilities for greater things than we just dying here and thats it and some claim, I say we will go on existing in some other shape elsewhere, and my mind says, eventually everything points to one singular point, there could only be one as the Highlander said remember ;) only one, even the pyramid points to one point then it reverses, and I say basing on the fact that this Universe and all its natural laws are so enormously precise and from what we have learned from science is that there is no such thing as chance, nothing is random, everything is precisely measured, and as scientists you all know how obsessed you are by measuring things, you measure everything, and dont think for a second that you have reached your full potentials and figured out everything, you cant even explain these other intelligent beings existing right here with us, you cant even do that, so dont be so dismissal and reject common sense, we still have much to know and learn from, I say there is a source that everything origin from, and the concept shouldnt be to strange to some of our scientists, the concept is something like the Big Bang theory a (place) everything we see and can measure existed and came from, elaborate on this theory further and you will have a greater a better understanding what we mean, that even this Big Bang came from somewhere else, and again as we know, to make anything any matter move requires an initiative, nothing just moves by itself, it is impossible, we say a Supreme Intelligence we in short call the Creator initiated the Big Bang to appear to expand and one day it will go back to its former state and that would be the end of this universe, but it doesnt end there, things will still continue, there is no end to it, this is what I believe in, and another thing, measuring is judging, everything gets judged, if this wasnt the case chaos would have collapsed everything and we dont see any sign of chaos anywhere in nature, we see nothing but order, the only chaos and disorder we see is by our own actions and deeds, and like everything else, even our deeds and actions will get judged one day, we already can see the judgment but one day on much grander more definitive way and here is where belief and faith not religion because its all man made fifth is something else, at least fifth is based on something while religion is based on bullshit, and I also believe in, live and let live as long as you dont harm anyone, I also believe in science, in my view, faith and science are two sides of the same coin, the Creator has stated that everything he has stated can be proven with science, but the question is, what has He really stated that has not been altered, this is where curiosity of wanting to know the truth of the universe can make you say you also are a seeker, and we will continue to travel as far as we are allowed to find out more, evolution in this sense will never stop ceasing, we can evolve to much more than this but there are limits, we can never get anywhere near like the creator, one reason is because He has existed for so much longer time and more importantly, He is the All Wise, all wise that is, we will always have some kind of flaws in us, we can never ever be all wise, even right now we only have a handful of truly wise people let alone all wise, see what I mean.
