Why Lebanon protests are continuing after Prime Minister Hariri's resign...

I was just checking the corruption perception index and found out Iran and Lebanon are equally ranked 138 place, they actually share the same low ranking how about that lol and molla Iran claim they are an Islamic republic, haa, what a joke, the mollas are the shame of the Islamic world anong with their little devil child Hezbe Sheytan, I am sure many of you think I am just throwing this devilish term about these mollas around with no actual fact and meaning behind it, look guys please be fair, you know how corrupt they are, forget about this evil thing but you know how corrupt they are, and dont start with this whataboutism now, lets take one thing at the time shall we, trust me we wont let any corruption get a free pass, it is just now how we operate, we will come to them as well, I promise so dont worry but we cannot take on everyone at the same time, but also rest assured God is the best of planners, but back to these satanic mollas who hides behind religion, I am going to tell you what God will do to them soon but I want you to learn what God did to me personally when I was a hypocrite and hid behind religion, one time I was about to sell a car  to a stranger and the guy asked me if everything was working properly and I swore to God it did even though I knew it would break down anytime soon, and what God did to me reminded me of my mistake for a whole year where He totally devastated my life and each moment I thought to myself how come all this bad unfortunate things happens to me during this year, I was reminded of that guy and the bad deal I imposed on him, I knew why I didnt fool myself I knew why, but because God kind of loves me He only did it for me to learn my lesson and I thank Him the punishment didnt last more than almost exactly a year, I was counting the days, and it lasted precisely a year, I never forget that horrible year, again those people God loves He punishes them right away, He is merciful that way, and when you see God allowing people to just continue and continue like these filthy mollas and those alike you better know, when it is time for them to fall, they will drop from top of skyscrapers like a sack of potatoes and will be leveled with the ground, they will get smashed into pieces of crap they are they are, and that time is around the corner, they have already lost, trust me on this, and there are others that will fall with them, anyone that are in cahoots with them will also fall, look God judges everything, just like we like to measure and judge everything but unlike us He is both fair and just to natural order of things, their time will come too, I advice is to stay first true to your Maker, secondary to yourselves and let the chip fall wherever it falls, if your intentions are pure rest assured God WILL make sure that chip falls in the right place because God sits on the right place, I am not pretending this thing going on in Lebanon will go pain free with no casualties, it wont it will get dirty but it is already most dirty right now as we speak, so what I say, it is time to clean up the dirt and if you are that person who doesnt mind getting your own hands dirty to clean up other peoples mess for the greater good then God bless you, good deeds will get rewarded in the next life you know that, we have already lost almost everything here in this world, but our dignity is what we have won and its not for sale and the world as it is has still so much of everything we have lost to be regained if we stand together, I know I will never stop doing what I can do to reverse all the bad things that are happening right under our nose, look how easily these monsters ruling Iraq right now have when they massacre people shooting them left and right as if human life is worth not more than the bullets they spray around them, how evil must one be to what some are doing there and at many other places, you can stay home and hope for a change, yes if you stay at home the only change that will come to knock on your door is worse than yesterday and so it will continue and you will never see the end of it until you rise up too and demand, the end of corruption in all its shapes and forms, like cancer you must remove the whole infected or you know it will grown right back again, its everything or nothing, isnt this how things work in reality also, everything or nothing, yes it does, this is how it works in nature friends, then you have the parasites, and you know what they cause, remove all the parasites so help you God, Amen, :)
