How caring letters prevent suicide

I think I would have been fenomenal on preventing people commiting suicide, give me 30 minutes and I would have cured you, and if I really really liked you, I would have also written something nice to you, but I think the 30 minutes would do the job, people say I am that good, all fun aside, this is a very serious issue, we have to gonna do something about it, after it is such a waste of good life when things like this can be prevented relatively easy, I never been in therapy, never liked it, and I dont think it works very well, after all I am sure all these victims of suicide have gone through some kind of therapy and ended up killing themselves even sooner than they perhaps had planed, the whole idea of sitting in front of someone who is only looking forward to the next patient and get paid feels very disingenuous, a nice letter from a stranger would do a better job I think, like in these cases shown here.
