Worst locust outbreak in decades ravages East Africa, threatens food supply

I think its about time to educate people to produce more efficient crops more securely with less water consumption, in greenhouses !!,  to set up a green house doesnt have to be very expensive, you dont have to use expensive glass for roofs and walls, they waste a lot of plastics there anyway, perhaps we could help them set up factories to melt and reshape plastics for these uses, small micro loans can be granted and I think with higher productivity the farmers will be able to pay the loans back, helping them cleaning up and make good use of the plastics being wasted and helping them being more food independent helping them like that can be very economical beneficial for all I think, we should give them the tools to help themselves, and let them know who help them too, I dont want any communists going there before we do, taking credit and all that, enslaving them poor uneducated naive people, we are not like that, we just wanna help them stand up on their own with no strings attached, we dont want their lands we dont want anything of theirs but for them to know, who the fuckin good guys are damnit.
