Iran’s coronavirus epicentre reopens ‘low risk’ shops and factories

It is NOT surprising to learn the unclean molla regime has been lying to the Iranian people about this pandemic and the seriousness of it in fear of people finally revolting against their corrupt illegal ungodly regime when you or some of you know how they cheated and lied in order to grab all power and killed all decent or anyone who dared criticize them, an unclean regime who cheats to get in you know or you should know it wont be up to no good in the future either, so when you hear its cult followers like Javad Zarif and these other thugs come on air and blame all their own incompetency of other countries you should know, they are not to be paid any serious attention to, they are all a bunch of criminals and thieves and shame upon all those who praises them, they are NOT worthy of any such things, they should instead be condemned, but we found ourselves in a serious dilemma ourselves right now, the mollas are like or not in total control of the Iranian people and not just the Iranian people, over the poor Iraqis the Lebanese and many others as well, it is always worth reminding people that the molla regime with its base in Iran is an expansionist regime, Khomejni himself made this clear when he said he want this filthy unclean molla regime to be spread all over the world by war if be, this is why when Saddam the cursed one offered peace he rejected it and by this Khomejni another cursed one caused the death of a couple of millions more of both Iranians and Iraqis, let me remind YOU Muslims about how Prophet Mohammad decreed how warfare in only defenseless should be conducted, he stated, if the attacking army seases the hostilities so must you imminently, you are not allowed to harm any fleeing fighters you will treat the POWs with respect and you will not confiscate any of their belongings, you are not even allowed to cut down a tree that belongs to them, thats what he said, but what did the mollas did, the exact opposite, and this is your 13 Imam Khomejni for you, and these mollas you have as your rulers are his offspring, so dont get surprised if they jail torture and kill any truth tellers, but as I have said, we have a dilemma here, on one hand we have these mollas these little devils ruling the Iranian people who are in desperate need on sanction relief to get through these hard times, I would recommend sanction reliefs only around the kind of medicines they need, we have to show the Iranian people we stand with them, but we also recognize they themselves have to like God has stated, if you truly want if you truly have the will to finally get free from your oppressors YOU need to take the first step and God will help you on the rest of your way, and if you dont then so be it, suffer till you get the point, these are universal laws, it goes for me for you all of us for all living beings, the mollas are all a bunch of criminal thieves, an ungodly bunch, I would like the US and President Trump to make a couple of statements around this issue, that we stand with them and to show them some good will, it will strengthen and give hope to the Iranian people, that would weaken the mollas, but again, YOU the Iranian people you yourselves have work to do and as long as I dont see you standing up and demanding change you wont see me focusing and pay much attention to you either, tough love baby, but fair nonetheless, you need to show me you are ready to stand up on your own, and you Iraqis too, all of you, I want the mollas gone, I have stated this before, I will dedicate my life to get rid of these corrupt criminals, these cheaters these up to no good.
