Let me make a couple of things very clear to everyone around the world reading this, Maverick is not afraid of anyone, let alone an authoritarian human right abusing regional regimes out there, because Maverick is so stubborn he refuses to die he will just comming back and when he comes he comes with a verdict, a verdict of vengeful pain in the ass, just how he is, best pilot ever flu a plane, speaking of jet fighters, when I set sail from North Carolina the day after, the weather was clear without clouds just a sunny day, I was resting inside the boat and suddenly woke up from a loud sound like thunder had struck down, after a second I realized it was the sound of jet engines, I ran out and saw a F18 who had just passed over my boat at super close range, he did it on purpose, the pilot was playing around, then he took off and playing around further and did stunts and was having fun with his jet, then he did another turn around but not as close as the first one, what happened the next day was something I cannot explain, the weather was turning bad, there was small dark clouds with lightning striking down and I was trying to sail around them as best as I could, from west that is from my vestige point I saw something I cannot explain what it was, at first it looked like a weather balloon but skinny like lightning, but it had a shape,and I thought, where did that thing come from because I was just looking at that direction and a few seconds ago I didn see it, but I was busy so I turned my attention to something else, less than 10 to 15 seconds later I looked at that direction again and it was gone, the thing had a shape to it but was as bright as lightning and it had the shape of a weather balloon, that's what I saw.
