I am delighted that people are looking for answers beyond what they can see with their eyes and as Russell said is the truth, the answer is within you, so what does that mean more precisely, here is what it means, unlike all other intelligent being in our dimension that is the visible universe but elsewhere too, our human race is special, what place us apart is where our souls came from, Whom we are much more closely connected to than all others, that is the Creator, our souls is from the Holy Spirit, doesn't mean the Holy Spirit is in charge of our deeds it only means it originated from that Source, back in the days, some other being expressed objections to that and jealousy took hold of them because they only saw not further with what they could see with their eyes, and became a big problem, they only saw the physical of what makes us and them apart, sure we are atom based and not them, so because our souls is a part of the Holy Spirit if you knew yourselves better the answers to your questions can be revealed to you at the right moment, it all depends on how close you have come to know your Maker, I can tell you where to start diving, you need to make friend with your Maker, talk to Him at chance you get, have Him on your mind (constantly) this is a form of prayer too, its just a start, this won't take you far but it's a good start, if you are true He will know and will show you rest of the way, it's very simple actually, the harder way is for you to walk the path in His mercy paved for you, yes we do live in very special times, no doubt about that, I do not want to scare people but let's just say, these are very important days where things could go either way, if I were you I would have prepared myself spiritually but also use your brains, He gave it to you for a reason, blind faith in anything is no faith at all, its just being a naive fool, one can still be a relatively good person but still a naive fool, won't take you far, I will end with this, make sure you have a pretty good idea who your Maker is, He is One, absolutely unmatched, the word Satan which means adversary should not be used or any other grand titles, the Evil One knows very well if his Maker wished He would have ended the misery the Evil One has found himself in, he is no adversary to anything, he is just a jealous jerk with very limited powers, in fact you all should know the Evil One ha great amount of respect when he address his Maker, its not like in the movies where you see a rude monkey acting he is something he is not, in reality he is a scared primitive prisoner within his own ego, he will get a wakeup call in time like he never thought was possible, all this is real as sweet potato pie friends, I had some sweet potatoes pie for the first time, and baby I liked it :) USA USA USA :) and as always, hell with the mollas :):) bye bye, I am sailing to Hawaii soon, aloha from me everyone, I am coming over ;):)
