Ari Fleischer calls on Trump to lead the nation to a better place

In all sincerity I have also tried and goodness knows how hard I have tried to give President Trump a fair shot at this, I have tried to have an open mind about things, l think he has been tough on the mollas, tough on the Chinese Communist Party, well he hasnt been tough enough on that also in all sincerity, he could have been better there but over all I think he has done OK, not great but he pass the test on foreign issues but when it comes to internal stuff not so good and here is why, here comes a couple of whys, like if he had acted earlier with the intelligence he is getting each morning, here is also what is not fair, the rest of us have to wake up and go through second rated articles and headlines all that crap to find out what has really happened but he gets first class everything delivered to him, so he is ahead of the rest of us, yet it took him three months to start taking things seriously and we know it is undisputed that tens of thousands of lives would have been saved, we are not talking about a person or two but tens of thousands of people and not to talk about the economical costs and many other things upon that like, because of his not taking appropriate action to address the people properly next to the shut down business President Trump has affected the national dept with multiple trillions of dollars in dept, forcing the FEDs to pump in money to ensure things does not collapse all together, all this just because he didnt took this pandemic seriously at the beginning , if you say all this could have been avoided if the right decision at the right time would have been taken I would agree with you, an effortless action like that would have saved so much just so much, then it comes to the many other not very wise decisions and statements that just build upon so many other things we have seen, taking all this in mind I can no longer support President Trump, Vice President Joe Biden would have saved us much of these pains and sufferings they nation has gone through, I also am a bit worried how Uncle Joe will handle the mollas the communists, I would very much like to hear more about that, because here is what I need our people to know, we are all on board the same boat, safe and secure, boats navigates oceans, most of the times things are rough, there are rogue waves out there that know nothing but fairness kindness and tender hearts, it foolishly washed over you neutralize itself and you on the process and if you ask what was that good for, there is only silence beauce it has nothing good to say, therefor as a captain you need to keep your eyes open and turn the boat quickly towards the incoming wave, and the sooner you do that the less damage it will do, the world is a wicked place, I have no other word for it, its crazy out there, so we know Uncle Joe will do much better domestically but what about these other dangers, first of all I would like to see close to a naval blockade around the mollas, then we have the godless communists who are, well I shouldnt say godless, they are Luciferians at the top, devil worshipers, so these people are doing humanity massive harm with their human organ enterprise they have established, do you guys know the price of a kidney has gone down from 11 000 dollars to less than 5000 dollars recently, they hare harvesting like never before, something is definitely going on here, and how they force religious people to denounce their faiths and do all other kind of things, so I would like to hear more of this from Vice President Joe Biden he has been silent on that, we know he would do great on these other things, and I would like to end with this to President Trump, why would like to run for president for a second time, at your age you should be playing with your grandchildren and chilling, like I am doing right now, I am pretending myself I am in Costa Rica chilling, thats what you should do too, to put your mind in rest, Uncle Joe will also do this thing only one, being president, he wont run a second time, so its even between you too, and its fine, so please, pull it out and let others steer the ship to see if they measure up to the expectations or what the hell is going on, what do you say :):)
