Gen Milley apologizes for role in Trump's church photo-op

Gen Milley ! you are forgiven dont worry, a big man always recognises his mistakes and a giant of a man like yourself Sir, admit it publicly, you are legendary Sir Gen Milley, woooaaa, totaly, so what do you say, when can I get my own military base named after me, these cheap people over here wont even name a dish after me, I have no islands named after me not even streets named after me, so I tried to take the matter in my own hands and wanted to name my sailboat to something like, USS Property and some guy said you cant do that, wth is going on over here ??? we need a sit down to clear things up if you ask me because this is very confusing to me, but in case of we dont see each other any time soon you know with the current president and all that, I expect you to vote for Joe Biden in secret and later support my bid for whatever the hell I am supposed to do later, so everything is fine :)
