Damnit Joe, what has the Talibs religion have to do with anything and you keep bringing up there faith, it's like if an invading force had invaded America and people here were forced to defend themselves and media of this invading force smearing the religion on people here which is Christianity as perhaps the motivation why they are bad and evil, the Talibs are defending their lands against foreign inveders, they do have this right, they did so with the Soviets too and the Brits before that, people have the right to defend themselves, sure the Talibs are hypocritical idiots and left to themselves by God because of all the evil things they are behind, like drug trafficking, kid fucking and the list goes on, doesn't mean if you want to go after many of their bad deeds you Joe can give yourself the right to smear their religion too, is their religion anywhere I in their texts allowing them to do some of the things they do, of course not, they are a bunch of hypocritical losers who are hiding behind a pure thing a good thing like many others all around the world.
