Inside Chaz, Seattle's police-free zone: 'We're proving the world can ch...

I believe this is healthy in a democracy absolutely, these people seems to be very lovely peaceful very civilized and these are the things we could stand behind, we should stand behind it, these are your brothers your sisters your family members demonstrating very responsibly I see nothing wrong with this, this is the beginning of something new something positive that dictators should be afraid of, these are the faces of a global community of what is to come so I encourage our people all around the world to take after and it should be spread, I do recommend for this to continue not just here but cross the world, this is a unique opportunity for massive global changes something we all have been starving for so long to see and now its here, hold on to it tightly and demand change for good wherever you are in the world and so you know, you are NOT alone anymore, there is strength in unity and what a unity, I couldnt had dreamt about it not like this but God has provided a holy opportunity for people to look around and see we are all related in our humanity and we share a common goal, to bring down tyrants, we are the 99% and its about time we acted like it.
