Police officer fatally shoots man at Atlanta fast-food restaurant

First of all, you should NEVER resist arrest under any circumstances, you are a fool if you do and whatever happens thereafter is partly your own fault, I saw this man Mr Brooks pointing the stun gun towards the chasing police officer, I cant see why the police officer saw that as a life threatening situation for him to shoot Mr Brooks in the back a couple of times, yes it was unnecessary use of force, a bullet in his leg would have neutralized Mr Brooks, the police officer should have known better, now Mr Brooks is dead, may he now rest in peace, just breaks ones heart to hear a person with perhaps financial difficulties and perhaps other problems forced to sleep in his car minding his own business unjustly getting harrassed and at the end out of anger resisting arrest and it all end up with him losing his life, very sad, may he now find the peace he never found here, very unfortunate, perhaps next time when police officers approach a suspect, do it with a non offending manner with humanity perhaps with a kind smile to first investigate what it is all about so they do not further belittle a citizen, because no matter who you are, in public you dont want an officer even get near you in case of people start talking, so when an officer approaches a parson, they should do it inn a kind non threatening manner, I have had a similar experience with the pedophile Swedish law enforcement which I WILL sue the hell out of in due time, one time I was walking in the neighborhood with my girlfriend being nice to all being in a good mood and from nowhere two monkey ass police officers who knew me came and ordered me to leave the area, just like that, they told me to go to hell, back then I didnt knew the pedophile Swedish luciferian law enforcement was targeting me for being me, I didnt knew what it was all about but these two monkeys drove their painted police car right in front of me and among all people there shouted and ordered me to leave the area, of course I got offended and told them that I refused, then those two rats pigs jumped on me, wanted to arrest me, I resisted and it ended with me with denting their car with my head, just banging my head wherever I could on their car, they couldnt get me in the car because they were not strong enough so they called for backup then two giant cops came and they finally got me in the police car lol I am sure Mr Brooks did find himself in a similar situation, minding his own business and it ended up with getting shut in the back, I am sure the pedophile child molesting Swedish Law enforcement if those ugly monkeys could shoot me they would have, I want the child molesting pedophile Swedish law enforcement to know, you have NOT heard the last of me, you have done everything you could do to destroy my life, big mistake, I WILL expose EVERYTHING you have been and are behind with witnesses in multiples and the world will see you for what you are, I will sue the fuck out of you, see you when I see you, I will NOT rest till justice is served, you pedophile luciferian fucks. :) I will sue you for 32 years of both physical and mental torture, and so will the mollas, I draw no distinction between Sweden and the mollas, both will be face justice in due time, it is a promise !!
