Belarus’ exiled leader breaks silence: The first interview with Svetlana...

Svetlana is right, she is not a leader, perhaps she could be, if she really digged deep and perhaps a little leader is hiding somewhere there beneath, a leader of a country in my view must have some knowledge of history about who is who and whats really going on even geographically around the world both in the presence and in the past to be able to make the right effective decisions, she doesnt have that, and thats why she is at least smart enough to recognize it and thats what makes her doubt if she is the right person for the job or not, Belarusians are in a difficult situation right now, the first thing they must do is to get that criminal  Lukashenko out of there, and make him face justice, this is the N1 task, I suggest you have Mrs Svetlana as a symbol of this revolution till you have more time for Svetlana to set in, if she wants to, or for you people to have more time to select something else, you need time to do this but if you concentrate on getting Lukashenko out first then you will find time to get other things in order too, all this is new for her and she need more than just time to decide whats best for her to do, look it can be scary job, you need to be made of something else to go up against the Crazies, but you better find someone in your ranks to free yourselves, there must be plenty out there.
