'Judge Not': Priest Rejects RNC Speakers Attack On Biden's Faith | MSNBC

I also agree with father James Martin, one should not say those things to people, unless, you are one of them, like myself, I am Jew Christian and a Muslims and a couple of other things, so I can criticize all these religions, I have that right and if I dont say those things, who would, they are doing a terrible job not addressing the core of the issues here, so I have to be nice and do it for them, I am nice like that :):)

Look here is how it works in reality, the Jews on the Day of Judgment will be judged according to their own (original) Holy Torah, the one here is not immaculate or the Christ would not have been sent, Jesus was sent according to his own words to reform the Jews, his own words not mine, the New Testament is also not fully accurate,we know how it was assembled at the Council of Nicaea, the New Testament is edited, opposing parties and Constantine himself a very unGodly person, a person that proclaimed himself to be a god, whatever that means lol all these people gathered to assemble a new book everyone even the pegans could accept, so they added and took very important crucial historical texts out of this New Testament, doenst mean all of it should be dismissed, it means its not fully accurate, because men even pegans had to sign on to it, it means, only a very small but again crucial parts are inaccurate, it still means the Word of God is in it, of course, nobody has denied that, we are disputing the historical evidence for some of the things in it, and I am not alone, we have countless Christian scholars saying the same things, so Jesus in his own words said, God will send another after me to clear things up for you guys, but many Christian denominations has interpreted it as the Holy Ghost, something they have waited for over 2000 years to come and if they didnt took my words for it, they will wait another 2000 years in waiting in vain, they waited for the wrong thing, in my super duper view, because that was not what Jesus was talking about, but again, I personally have no intention to offend anyone, I actually have more right to criticize all these religions than anyone else and thats a fact, a fact !!! I can do that and I will continue doing that, love me or hate me, this is my purpose here, their top leaders might now like it, but then again, who are they to hide away when they have not done the right things for such a long time but maintained the corrupt status quo, and dont tell me this is not how things are either because it is, again this is how it will work, all of mankind will be judged by their own (original) Holy Texts sent to them all across the world, yes every community has received the Words of God, every single one of them, and on the Day of Judgment, they will all be judged by their own true Scriptures, a Muslim will not be judged by the Gospels of the Christ, the Jews will be judged by their own so on and so forth, and all these Holy Texts spoke about the same old thing, same stuff, that God is One, there will be a Day of Judgment, because the laws of nature demands it, and it also spoke of the fact that, we are NOT alone, never was, its simple stuff actually I dont know why people makes it complicated but it is complicated, you wanna know the purpose of our creations ?? well not even the angels with all their wisdom and knowledge couldnt figure out, they asked their Maker, why He created our race and as anser they were told that the Creator knows what they dont, it paints a picture of a chaotic world, so dont act surprised why your own religious followers, lets say the Muslims, dont hide the fact that your religion among all others are in such disarray and chaotic, the angels were also talking about you and your religion and your denomination, the angels were pointing to all of it, perhaps God took the DNA of earthly animals on this planet and wanted to tell other creatures with free will that He can take DNA of apes and still make them better than many of this other creatures that ruled this planet before us, maybe God wanted to tell Eblis (satan) that even monkeys can be better than he ever could be, perhaps thats what make Eblis upset and now wants to take revenge on this human race, look it doenst have to be too complicated as long as we admit, we all have some self improving to do, its not harder than this.
