Lebanon PM-designate steps down amid impasse over gov’t formation

I hope the mollas love me badly madly now haha thats what you get for fucking around, and I am not finished with you yet, heck we havent even began ;) baby, you are SO screwed you scumbags, I am gonna be the end of you, I am gonna go down in history for bringing your unclean molla regime down :):) I feel so good about even thinking about it, it actually makes life bearable tolerable for me otherwise I couldnt have take it this far, the thought of your collapse is what keeps me in a sane state of mind you see, I dont think there goes one hour past in my daily life where I dont curse you, I am obsessed by it, you must go there is no other alternative, I must do it for myself and for millions of others who have suffered because of you and your criminal activities, I count every moment going by to one day finally stand there watching you pay for what you have done, I pray constantly many many times a day for that day to come so that I can be there, this is my second wish from God, first to grant me a place where I belong my other second wish is to see you fall and to see what God has planned for that moment for you, I want to see that, I wish He grant me these two wishes, justice must get served or there is no point to anything and Believers know, there is a point to everything for good or for bad, and we believe in what is good, we believe that you are not like us, you are the opposite of what we are, this is how it goes.
