Paris knife-attack suspect says he targeted Charlie Hebdo

And you know who also must be held responsible for these senseless killings of civilians, Irans Supreme Whore, Imran Khan of Pakistan and anyone who still are cheering for continuation of this idiotic French paper, I would have stopped cheering these brainwashed little terrorists if I was these corrupt leaders, because if it wasnt for them, this wouldnt have had happened, I blame first the religious extremists like those I mentioned and when I have blamed them all, then I would also condemn this paper and its editors, I wouldnt have blamed them first, listen to me you Muslims only in name, Prophet Mohammad doesnt need you to honor his legacy, why would he need you when you have done nothing but discrediting his teachings and what he stood for, he doesnt need you, in fact I am pretty sure if he was here right now he would have told you to stay away from him if you are about to continue your backward traditions which have again nothing to do with him, nothing that resembles what he was talking about, so yes I blame Imran Khan of Pakistan the Iranian mollas and all those who have not in strongest terms condemn this but like Imran Khan and others praising them and condemn only this paper, I have always said, if people are angry at you over legitimate reasons, you have yourself to blame, I am not different, when I say crazy things ( happened very little) and made people angry, I have myself to blame, I bear responsibility for it, I wont go and blame others why they are angry at me if the reason behind that anger is built on something I said or done, but these corrupt leaders, they only seek reelection, they need the support of the ill informed and the manipulated and this is happening on all fronts, its easier to blame others for your own deficiencies but it has never solved any problems but made things worse, so in first hand I blame these cult leaders and when all that is said and done then I put some of the blame of the publishers of this idiotic publication.
