Breaking News: Earthquake of magnitude 7.0 hits western Turkey, Greece

I am very sorry to see the devastation caused by this quake, how come these other buildings didnt collapse while these others did, you should seek out the contractors who built those unsafe buildings, you have to look into that if they followed all the regulations, I want my Turkish brothers and sisters to always be prosperous like I want for anyone else makes no difference to me, I want people to live where they live and I want everyone to live in peace, your leaders have other ideas and there is plenty of blame to go around because they all have alot of baggage all of them, in my view none of them are up to any good and the sooner you all come in terms with these facts the sooner life can go back to a glorious future yo never thought was this close at hand, and as I have told you before, I grew up with Turks, I heard Turkish being spoken all around me as a young kid we used to listen to Turkish music and the rest of it, and I loved all of that very much, dont think for a second that I am anti Turkish in anyway, you are wrong if you think that, what I oppose is your leaders, not the people not anyones cultures peoples languages peoples faiths, I dont like your many sects in your faiths but not the faiths itself, Judaism if it ONLY follows the Torah is perfect for me, if the Christians only followed the gospels and not he said that she said that would be equally wonderful to see and if the Muslims only followed the Quran that would be great too and nothing else, heck I love all this diversity its great, again, I only oppose your corrupt leaders, all of them everywhere, here is thing friends, I am convinced if people were not influenced to do evil, none of us would, not one single one of us, and this theory is based on Scriptures when we were told who corrupted Adam and Hawa, if they were not influenced to do something they never would have done, they wouldnt have had to pay for their mistake, same thing with us, I believe if a group of people from their childhood lived on an island with absolute zero influence by any kind of evil, I believe this group of people would have never committed a crime or a sin or anything bad for that matter, this bad influence comes from somewhere else, it comes from what is outside you, and this can be scaled up to a nation, people are good in any country, something crooked has to come in and brainwash people to go against their own self e interest and this is what is happening all over the world, what I would like to see, a world where these proactive negative influencers have no say so that people can make up their own minds, when that happens, then you will have peace on Earth, and not before that, and this goes for my Turkish people my Armenian people to my Iranian Arab my American and all other peoples, and the way to judge people like your leaders is to check if the pass the recommendations Scriptures has prescribed, in its word, nothing interpreted, only the very clear words, so check if your leader pass the test, and if not, then dont be a hypocrite because God does NOT even like a hypocrite, He doesnt like it at all, the laws of nature are not hypocrites otherwise it would be chaotic everywhere, nothing would exist, this law governs everything in creation, there wont be a place for you in Paradise if you are one of the hypocrites, just so you know, God will NEVER bless a hypocrite in this life or next, He has told you so, this is very serious in fact its the most serious matter, so see how your dear leader checks out, and keep the Faith so help you God :)
