Domestic Terrorism on Capitol Hill | The View

I wanted for the ladies of The View to bring Jon Ossoff on and crown him new senator before we go on with other topics, because this is pretty standard, people need to go on The View to get some recognition and be presented to the world (thought The View) I must add ;), then this happened in the Capitol, as a guy who has followed all these Q people and what they believe in, I must say, I dont blame them too much, because they actually believe something unlawful has happened, half of them are even more extreme, half of them just wouldnt care if they could take over with illegal means thats what they would do, so I blame more the extreme of the extreme amongst them, I believe Alex Jones could be looked into and see if any sedition charges would stick on him this time around because, it is he who is behind at least half of all the problems, he is purposefully lying to people and brainwash those stupid enough to hear him out, and from what I have heard, sedition charges would stick to him, with regards to President Trump, I have heard ideas of impeachment or 25 amendment, here is the best thing I think is the best way forth, I suggest President Trump being at the festivities Jan 20 and say a couple of nice dignified and traditional words I think this would be the best thing to do for both parties so we could put this behind us, in a civilized manner, so I ask of President Trump to pave way for calmness till Jan 20 get up on stage say some nice words and thats it, it all could end so graceful if all agreed, I hope all parties would agree to something like that, enough with hostilities already, I really hope so.
