Ex-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: A New War Is About To Be Impos...

He is lying his behind off, he ran THE most corrupt administration in Irans molla history and thats a fact, so when he speaks about justice he is talking about preserving his molla regime, they are afraid of getting defeated and dealt with, I am not taking anything he spewed seriously, Ahmadinejad is an agent of the mollas, and I am NO friend of the mollas, for that treatment in Iran, I will after that treat them for what they truly are, the enemy !!! I will have Ahmadinejad and all his masters either arrested and dealt with or whatever it has to take to defeat them, yes defeat them and bring them to true justice, and thats final, there are more than plenty of Believers who would and could bring the whole molla regime in Iran in Iraq in Syrian and Lebanon and anywhere else for that matter to justice, never forget that you criminals, there are alot of us, hundreds of millions, even in the billions, see you when I see you, you criminals.
