LIVE: China's President Xi Jinping addresses a virtual Davos WEF

When I see this many bureaucrats corrupt as the cult of CCP is, this concerns me a great deal, because I dont believe a word out of Xi whom is running slave concentration camps, and any one believing his words and those like him in my view are corrupt as these communists are, I can not with clear conscience go anywhere with these evil ideologies, I cannot support any of this, I have a reputation to look after instead of looking after other peoples political reputations, I have to look after my own and those standing with me on these issues, therefor I see it appropriate to seek myself closer to peoples of faith because the liberals would go on with any sweet words that in reality would result in tyranny, I fled tyranny, now I want to be free and going along with these policies some have in mind, I am sorry but thats not me, count me out, I could never respect someone like Xi people like the mollas and other criminals or any one having even anything nice to say about him and those of like, Satans greatest achievement was to keep himself hidden from clear view, and this has paid off, people without faith are also blind to history and there by risk repeating the same old mistakes and as the saying goes, history keep repeating itself, there is of course a reason for this, as I explained, I did simplified it greatly but it is still the truth, I place my hope in peoples of faith because I dont have to convince them of what the hell is going on, remember friends, when you hear these communists and their likeminded criminals elsewhere talking about a global governance, understand what they are saying, they are talking about a totalitarian Skynet NWO, even super liberal countries are deeply in this, in Sweden for example, you cannot go to a bank any bank and make a cash withdrawal, in fact you cannot use cash any longer in Sweden and they have already started to chip people, in many Asian countries even democracies, they have gone fully digital with facial recognition cameras all over the place following ever step of people, this is happening everywhere, Evil have many faces my friends, and its active !!!
If Texas were nearby I would have moved there, lets be frank, California is ruined with all these taxes and regulations, I swear to God, I never seen this many regulation on damn everything, its killing the state, I am sure many of you friends have similar examples I am about to share here with you, this is just one of the terrible rules I have come across, just one crazy thing.
I have been moving around with my boat from marina to marina and anchoring here and there, at this port I am they have this rule that if you have stayed for more than ten days, instead of your fee decreasing as you would have imagined if you woukld have lived in any other country, but what happens here is that your fee is increasing by a whole lot, and I have been here for ten months and I didnt see any traffic from sailors coming here to visit, there is no tourism as such, and it has nothing to do with Covid either, because sailors and boaters are more of free spirit minded folks, people are not concern with much, I mean I havent even seen harbor patrol personnel wearing a mask, so the covid has not stopped anyone sailors moving around, the fact is, there is no traffic any movement between nearing town from marina to marina, local tourism, and I wonder why, the answer is, first of all, not many would like to pay 60 bucks for a little boat to get a slip for a day, and they provide nothing but the slip, no WIFI no nothing, the point I am making is, no one is looking to easing the lives of people, life should be easy not hard, this is my wish to see, a world free from anything extreme and crazy, and these taxes these regulations are keeping people back, so I have decided to move to Texas being around people where faith still means something, freedom still means what it says, and basically being with people that wouldnt take any shit from crazy, I have Texas hot sauce in my blood too, I can feel it :) I just need my buffalos wings to get me the hell out of here lol, most likely what is going to happen is this, I am soon sailing south to get through the panama channel and sail to Texas, I am done with the Democrats, I am.
