Sen. Bernie Sanders Offers A Message Of Unity To Republican Voters: "Let...

Everyone knows how much I love and respect Sen Sanders, but we havent met yet and he wants to tax the hell out of me, whats going on ?? kidding, I will gladly pay up what needs to be paid back in fair taxation, but I will make up for it the lost income by buying up the rights for Matrix 5 and instead of just having a couple of senators and congressmen and women in the film, I thought perhaps it would be better to shoot the movie with the scene of elders in some studio in front of a green scene, I thought it would be better to shoot the scene right in the congress with the original members but first I have to speak to the leader of the Senate and the House and see if they would give permission to shoot this movie in the Capitol building, imagine if we could have all the coolest members bipartisan for that matter ! I said all the cool people, cool people are diverse, so that would be nice, the point is one way or the other Sen Sanders and Sen Warren like Stephen Coolbert and other members, we all are gonna star in some damn movie at least thats the idea :):)
