Tensions are high on anniversary of Soleimani assassination

Her father was a traitor to the Iranian people when he ordered the shootings and murder of over 3000 Iranian demonstrators and its not the first time he done this, in 2009 her father called upon and brought Lebanese and Iraqi hezbola cult followers to crack down beat and murder Iranian demonstrators something Iranian security forces wouldnt do, so he brought people from outside the country, and not only that, when Soleymani couldnt find Iranians to die for Assad in Syria in sufficient numbers Soleymani started to gather Afghan refugees in Iran to fight and die in Syria, her father was a monster and he is on his way to Hell where he will spend the rest of his time in, her father was NO saint, he was nothing but a loyal cult follower and all these losers you see i the video are also loyal cult followers and nothing else but that, its NOT the regular Iranian or Iraqi people, they are all paid hired shia militia men with no authority to act on their own, they do as they are told, they are like robots with no sense of shame no sense of knowing whats good or whats bad, they just follow orders, and the order come from their top shia molla masters, look friends, I have seen and felt the true nature of their top shia ideology and I am telling you, its as EVIL as it comes, you can either trust my judgment on this or you are free to make the same mistake I did and pay for the mistakes you are about to make, I rather see you avoid it and learn from my mistake instead, just trust me, the mollas are like their fathers the devils, their ideology is luciferian, I am NOT talking about you everyday shias, I know exactly about your ideology, because I lived it, I know as well as you do, but 99% of you have not faced the true nature of your top shia cult masters, I have seen things, and my fair judgment is based on what I have experienced and I am telling you shias, you are following something not known to you, the mollas have fooled you, they are NOT what you thought they would be and soleymani had 100% the blood of innocent lives on his dirty hands, he lived by the sword and he died with it, simple as that, it was Gods will for him to die, dont be sorry he is gone, he wasnt a hero, he was a monster in sheeps clothing, remember this Soleymani during Iran Iraq war was giving away plastic keys to heaven to naive people who believed him, this is the kind of guy he was, he was a manipulative person, so dont be sorry he died, I am not.
