Trump will not attend Biden's inauguration

Dear President Trump !
The news of you not attending the inauguration in my view is not a good move, do not listen to those who has advised you not to be there, we have two weeks to smooth things out till then, and it can be done if there is a will from your side, I would like to see that side of you and millions of others as well, from both sides, it would just not look good if you werent there, not good for optics and future talks, do it for the country !!! sometimes we have to swallow our pride for the better good, I know a thing or two about that myself, if you love the country and its standing in the world you would be there and have a good time doing so, I am certain of that, it would be fun, you will be surprised how quickly people get over bad news if it is replaced with good ones, you will hear many positive comments in the media about it and it would also help the country be set on the right track and thats important, I am sure you would like that, I hope you have changed your mind around this and in two weeks many things can change for the better, you would be amazed you would like it, cheers :)
