Ingraham: The GOP's great reset

I am afraid you are right Laura, I believe the Dems are either getting bad terrible advice with regards to how to go about Covid because all I see is fearmongering and whoever dares criticize them or offering other alternatives they get locked out shut out and boycotted from everything, I never supported silencing anyone, I am FOR free speech its our God given right as long as one does not incite to violence to hurt people other than that, people should be allowed to say whatever they want to anyone, it seems to me that the Dems are looking for controlling people by force, I am not for that it goes against everything I stand for, its just not me, and I am more a conservative than a liberal, one thing that I could never support is abortion even to the last moment the human child is about to get delivered, in my view its murder, although I like many of my progressive friends out there in and have respect for them I hold the value the opinion of my Maker in higher regards than their opinions, sure a woman can do whatever she likes with her own body but not with another life form inside here, thats another human being inside here and she has no right to terminate that life as she wants, she have at least two months to make up her mind if she wants to keep the child or not, after 90 days that fetus is now a living breathing human child, and we as a society must stand with that human child and grant him or her its rights, and it also seems to me that the red states are better run than the blue states, I mean look when I came to the great state of North Carolina, even things like food was more than half the price of here in California, and lets not talk about New York where a pack of sigs cost 16 dollars in NC it cost 5 dollars, in NC I could go and eat a good meal for less than ten dollars, here in California if you give a five dollar bill to a homeless person instead of a getting a thank you in return they call you a cheap bastard, wth is going on, gas is more expensive than it is in EU, sure if you are a millionaire you perhaps wouldnt care much but 99% of people are struggling and are in need of getting the government off their backs and with all these taxes, what do they get in return, not much, have you seen the roads here, on the road I got punctured several times I renamed it Mogadishu Blvd after it almost got me killed, actually it caused my fall of the bike and broke my arm, the point is, things are not run well and people deserve better, I have had enough with it, I am moving to a red state but there is a huge problem, there are no red states near by, I have to sail for a whole month all the way through Panama canal to get to the other side of the continent, I can do it but it will be very difficult, it would take me at least a month and that is if everything goes well, but it would be worth it if the Reps are willing to transform the party into a more compassionate one and lay off some of the crazy things going on a place people look after one another because I would like to see all residents have full access to healthcare, this is very important, we can be pro business pro low taxes pro freedom and yet have plenty over to take care of ours, this can be done, if the Reps are willing to improve on some of these things, I think it will be a unbeatable ticket to great success and true prosperity a truly strong society best in the world, we can do it if there is a will :)
