John Oliver Found Meghan Markle’s Revelations to Oprah Unsurprising | Th...

We are surprised Philip didnt say that because from what I know about that perverted family is this, this is how I would rank their wickedness and evilness, at top first place goes definitely to Philip, then Charles after him Camilla certainly then Will I Am and right next to him Waity Katy, the reason I dont place William before the rest of them is because he is still young and have not committed as many evil and satanic deeds as his grand father and father, but given time William will top them all, William and Kate, for sure, but for now, Philip takes the first place then his son and on the third place William Kate share the third place, I am NOT kidding when I say, Kates parents are one of the top ranking luciferians in England, they are involved in all kinds of nasty things, and when it comes to these luciferian families, their sons and daughters are brought up to be just like their parents, I have seen this over and over again, but here is the thing, the house of winsor is far from being the main decision makers when it comes to ruling the country, even the house of winsor take their final orders from something much more sinister than themselves within, you dont have to believe me now but its true, there are even darker forces over there on that island called great Britain, and the Brits shouldnt get offended by what I am saying, this is NOT directed towards them, it just happens to be that very dark forces and families are actually part of their ruling elites, so the Brits themselves are victims of it all, and they should thank me for revealing all this to them, I would want nothing but the best for the Brits and all over there, I only differentiate between the good and the bad ones, thats all I am interested in doing, thats all, because I know how many lives of innocent children they have destroyed, and those innocent people now are on my side because they know I am looking only after them, because I was one of them, everything but the sexual offences I was put thought it too by these criminals, God allowed them to do basically anything with me except touching me, everything else they did, so of course I will always back and be on the side of those who were put through what they made me go trough, but we should never lose our love to God because even though you were forced to deal with it all, if you still have kept your faith in all the good that can and will come out of this, if you past the test, rest assured that you will have your satisfaction and reward in this life and next, you will have your day in curt and you will have your justice and regain your dignity, but as long as you dont lose hope, if you lose that, then you are truly lost, and I am here to give you that hope that the criminals that did all that to you will come to pay and be humiliated themselves, trust me, by God, I am doing this for both of us, because if I didnt have you in my thought and only myself, I would most likely kept my mouth shut and went along with their plans and I would still live in luxury with little worries of the world, but as long as I think about what more these criminals have caused, how many innocent kids they have done all those things to, my conscience wouldnt allow to only think about myself, you are now part of my equation, and I will NOT rest till ALL of them have faced justice, all of them, God willing if the good Lord permits it, I wont let one single one of them get away with the things they have done to you, and this is my promise to you all, you can trust me, I would give up the whole world and all its riches to do all of us justice, because on the Day of Judgment, which is not too far way now, I couldnt bear standing in for my Creator and have nothing to say in my defense, God has sated, that He grants authority to those as a test to see what they will do with the power granted to them, and if you fail, He will favor someone else, and I want Him to always favoring me, I am a little bit selfish like that, and so should you too, always speak the truth, do your best to do the right thing and be selfless and He will pay extra attention to you and by that look after you, perhaps more than you disserve.  
