New Cold War? China hits back at coordinated Western sanctions

The Chinese Communist Party has demonstrated its true nature, this nature is a sound of an uneasy that will not just rest and be content following normal practices we are used to today, and its not just the issue of how they treat their own minority citizens and its not just the issue of how they credit scoring system they have implemented and its not just the fact that they have slave labor camps, organ harvesting it goes beyond their own borders with the island they have built and militarized, the CCP is also threatening its neighboring countries with military actions against them, it just goes on farther than their own borders, it just goes on and on and on, they believe they will be the top dominating country in the world and if that happens, all these issues we all are concerned about, multiply it by ten, then there will be harsh consequences for those who happens to fall in their target, for not falling in line, I propose we decouple our collective economies from theirs, right now, something in those lines, or at least minimize it to a maximum, force our companies to start manufacturing our good elsewhere, in friendlier countries, our governments must start pushing for this and not waste time, stop feeding the Beast of the east, because it will come back to bite us, you all  know this will happen eventually, its serious, its deadly serious, you cant reason with the Beast, you must contain it, at the minimum.
