Amanpour speaks with BLM co-founder after Chauvin verdict

(Trained) communists ! Rev MLK is rolling in his grave right now making money of his name and of the pain of black people, the question you all should ask is this, who has TRAINED these black communists that now are training and brainwashing other naive and ignorant black and white folks with methods and rhetorics that will NEVER bear any fruit, because the tree they come from is poisonous itself, I never thought one would start a civil justice movement then to go on and make millions of it like these Marxists, I have always told you friends, never ever get too attached to any leader of any kind or group, because anything this organized gets infiltrated by corrupt people at the end, not all but 99,9 of them will and has and will in the future, this is why I have disassociated myself with the Progressives the left because their message is just as ineffective as those on the far right Q Anon people, these two groups have taken over too much good time that otherwise could have been used for much more constructive things, right now we are seeing the corruption of both these sides and spend all our time listening to their two arguments of how much they disagree with each other as if there are no other arguments to be heard and listened too, they have taken over the airwaves these two, people need to wise up and especially you young people, do NOT allow them to get to you and make you vote and support any of these with your emotions, you need to vote with your brains, here is my advise, never ever give your full backing and support to anyone without being most critical when you see or hear ANYTHING controversial from any of these groups and leaders, if you see them making the same mistake over and over again on top of other things, what you need to do no matter how much you happen to like that leader, you need to step aside and stop giving your support to them in election times, if you vote blindly to them, they will only take advantage of your naivety because these leaders and groups and parties, they have people their pole watchers can see if their popular support is decreasing or increasing depending on real time in society, and thats when you need to make yourself heard and seen, dont give them a free hand to do anything they want, just dont vote for them next time because if you do thats when these trained cult leaders take advantage of your name of other peoples name to buy themselves million dollar real estates and such and on the same time keep dividing society with their backward methods which they were trained to do, they know what they are doing, keep dividing stirring the water to suck up the last living fish in the pond out of it, they look at you as easy meat, dont bend over to them.
