'Completely fabricated': Burnett calls out GOP's false conspiracies

Some of these face conservatives on Rupert Murdocks Fox News pretending to be so pro law enforcement and law and order but they wont mind wasting the time and resources of precisely these agencies with encouraging people to call in and frustrate them with nonsense, I am telling you guys this damn Murdock, he should be sanctioned and banned to get 500 miles to these shores, somebody should calculate how much this rat has cost the US tax payers so far, it must be in the billions, not to talk about good time wasted, efforts that could have been used to better this country, he is worst than cancer, next virus should be named after him the Murd virus, or something in those lines, murd-murder you get the point, its even in his damn name, while my name is totally sexy :):)
Again our CEOs advertisers and Money Bags should do more here I think.
