Countdown to the Apocalypse: Four Horsemen Foretell the End of Humanity ...

Pure propaganda, the History Channel is itself a propaganda outlet of the Evil One, by God trust me, they are on purpose misrepresenting Bible prophecies to fit their right winged agenda here, not a word in this propaganda piece is to be trusted, as I said, this piece was sponsored by the actual luciferians, they are deliberately lying to you about Bible prophecies, 95% of you God fearing friends are NOT fully familiar with how to read and decipher prophecies, you only have been bombarded with false interpretations of these prophecies and now it has infused in your brains and you think you know what these prophecies are referring to, I would say 95% of you good friends are like that and I dont blame you, because since you were born, you were made to believe these false interpretations and guess what, dont you think the luciferians took over the airwaves from the get go, sure they did, and you are not to blame for this deception you have fallen victim to, its a massive global deception going on and these documentaries like the one you see here is 110% one of those, as I said not a single word crafted in this piece of garbage is to be trusted, not a single word, its the work of the Antichrist followers, all those guests you saw in the piece are luciferians, they are NOT Christians and followers of the Christ, just take my word for it, and if you new anything about the History Cannel and their historical accuracy, you know they are full of crap, because they never ever report the truth on anything of importance, remember this History Channel in this propaganda piece said with certainty that the Antichrist is alive and active today, when have you ever heard a mainstream tv channel openly say something this controversial like (the Antichrist is alive) you have never heard anything even close to such a thing anywhere but here, this is because the Antichrist IS alive as I have told you many times, but its NOT what you think it is, he is alive and very active but you wont ever see his face publicly or even hear his voice publicly, its all done behind the scene and the only ones you hear from is his cult followers who are trying to mislead you with propaganda channels and pieces like this one, I know even if you do believe me you will find it extremely difficult to reject everything you have heard about these prophecies by these right wingers and their Evangelicals preachers, and if you pay close attention, they ALWAYS paint the Catholics Muslims in fact anyone but their side of Protestantism and Evangelicalism as the followers of the Antichrist and themselves as the new born the pure ones that are the only ones to be saved, this is the message in all these propaganda messages, I am NOT saying all subscribers of the Evangelicals are corrupt and evil, of course not, what I am saying, the Evil One is super active in their super churches and their preachermen, I mean you all have seen the videos of the nonsense they put on display, and how they higher ranks in these mega churches behave on the stage and behind the scene, you all have seen it and these are the ones who produce these propaganda so called documentaries too, just keep that in mind friends, I know for a fact the actual Antichrist OWNS these Evangelical preachers and they in turn breed the same miss and disinformation to other Evangelical pastors in smaller churches and it just goes around like that, just know this friends, the Luciferians are very active in all organized religions, they are most active in the Jewish temples in all Christian and Muslim places of worship, the mainstream big ones, there are those on the sideline the good learned Jews the good learned Christians the good learned Muslims and other places, but these guys you rarely never hear from, because they are too few and scares, one or two here and there, its the mega ones the established you should look out for because they are the first the Evil One and his cult followers infiltrated first, keep that in mind, do not get deceived, this is the Age of Deception and you need to be careful where you put your feet down, I also have to end by saying this, the good guys are not that weak and powerless either, but they dont make documentaries like this, you see them sometimes but hear less from them because, even if they would tell you all the truth, most of you woudltn believe it because the evil ones are much more sinister in trying to brainwash the masses, but God has promised us victory over these luciferians and we are doing a mighty job behind the scene and many times openly, there is much hope friends, dont lose touch with it, good luck.
