Evangelical Christians in the USA | DW Documentary

I love the fact that faith still plays a big role in America, this was the main reason I came here but no doubt too many are also misled here and have misinterpreted the Bible, sure God the Creator state He created the Universe in six days and I also believe that (but) ! always a but !! think about it, how could it be in six earth days, what are earth days, its when the Moon makes a full circle around Earth, we know as matter of fact that the Universe took billions of years to shape into what it is today, and only in the last moments our solar system got shaped and thats when we got our Moon circling around our planet and gave us our earth days, so its impossible God referring to our earth days, when the Creator said He created the Universe in six days, He was referring to the importance of (Time) and time is relevant, are you going to contest that one too, then in the Bible it is written that, on the seventh day He rested, this part is added to the original text, if God the Creator is able to by just one word say for the Universe to come to be, if He is that powerful, why would He be need of resting, my God is more powerful than that, My God has in no need of any resting, so of course this part was added and corrupted, all these issues started in the Old Testament when it was added that we were created in His image, the Jews added this in to make themselves feel that they are the original image of God, that they are better than everyone else, which they are NOT, nothing special about them, in fact God has punished them more than any other group in His creation, but still they believe everything revolves around them, ridiculous, another added texts in the Torah the Jews added to is this, and I can mention many of these but every now and then I will remind you friends of some of it because I dont want to go too harsh on them, so I will take it slowly, here is one of it, God stated in the Torah that they are allowed to eat everything (suitable) from the sea, then the Jews went on and misinterpreted it as you are not allowed to eat shrimps and such because they are not "suitable" because they eat from the bottom of the bed floor, because of course the Jews so pure that they couldnt do that, lol, well let me ask you, the cows the sheeps you consume, where do these animals pick up their food from, they also eat from whats on the ground, its not like the grass is grown in the air and not touching the ground, so you see, the Jews always take things to the extreme end of things, always !! they made for themselves over 600 rules from nowhere to exclude themselves from rest of humanity when the idea of why God created us was to see the humanity in all of us as one united race, but they dont want to be part of the rest of us, they think they are better, the original sin ! someone else once also though he and his followers were better than Adam, and we know where it took all of us and themselves to for that matter.
