Iran sentences Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to another year in prison - BB...

These mollas are such pricks, at the last moment they sentence her to another year in prison, they do it just to mess with peoples minds, its torture, these unholy little devils running that country, in my case what they did, my Iranian passport which is my fake identity, because the forged it all, I mean my name my identity the name of my father EVERYTHING these filthy mollas, what they also did last time I was there was, my passport was expired and I needed a new one, and in this new one, they changed the birth year and one letter in my fake last name, from the previous 1979 to 1980 and also a letter in the last name, so my now new Iranian full so called legal name and birthday is not the same as my Sodomies (Swedish) identity which was identical with my earlier Iranian passport information, now wherever I travel to, the information on these two identification documents deferrer, but everyone in all these countries I have visited they know who I am but the question came always up and I have to explain to them that the mollas are sons of bitches, and they did all this again to make life harder for me, but I made their life even harder, because if it wasnt for me, their general Soleymani would be alive today ;) and all the other hardships I brought on them mollas by decimating their economies with sanctions and so much more, I also take pleasure in it as they did when they messed with me in Iran, God is angry with these mollas and He will in time bring them all down, God willing sooner, and they are lucky I stopped President Trump not top bomb the hell out of them otherwise they would have been wiped out by now, but I only bought them some time, their fate is sealed, these criminal mollas, such unholy disgusting bunch, shame on all those who supports them, may the curse of God be upon you all for supporting these animals. 
