Israel's alleged crimes of apartheid

You are right about the censorship on Internet Jessy and especially on YouTube, a couple of years ago one could find everything by clicking the word, any kind of conspiracy theory videos, today they are all deleted and impossible to find, not even your own show which we all loved so much, its all gone, but you are wrong about one thing and it surprised me to hear it from you when you said this mess in Palestine has been going on for thousands of years, this mess with the natives the Arabs and the Jews is actually a brand new phenomenon, a 70 year old phenomenon, it hasnt even been going on for hundred year let alone thousands of years, this mess started with the (atheist) Zionist Jews who wanted to fulfill prophecies, they werent actually atheists as many claim, they were luciferian Jews, with support from the Great Babylon with is America, and read what Scripture has to say in the Book of Revelation chapter 18 ! read it, its happening right now, we are living it, and I want no part in it, so I am leaving, to a calmer place.
