“My Twin Sister Thinks She is Etta James Reincarnated!”

Hi Dr Phil !
Its me again, I have been calling in writing you dozens of time now regarding this messiah complex of mine I am suffering from, I have been scrolling your channel and I havent found anyone calming to have some kind of messiah complex, who could have known, I must be the only one, or I can be the first on your show claiming this symptom, you need to help me Dr Phil this is going too far, now I wanna run for office too, its getting out of hand doc, I mean what if my ambitions get serious, I am dreaming day and night to bring down regimes all over the place long side royal families, you need to help me Dr Phil, or its all on you buddy, somebody need to stop me here. :):)
But you have to feel for the sane twin sister her, she is so cute, her other half has gone totally loony, I mean it must be much more difficult having been so close to your won twin sister with all its meanings then to see your twin sister transform into a crazy person believing she is someone else all of the sudden, and the mother too, poor lady, all she want is her daughter back calling her mom, feel so bad for her too, this whole thing is a big mess, but not as big as a mess I am in, with the messiah complex and everything lol, just for the record, I am just kidding, nothing serious, but for these other guys, they are in real pain, losing a love one slowly drifting away, I hope she realize, there is no such thing as reincarnation, you get born you die and go elsewhere and thats all, no past lives, the firs time you were brought into this life form, was the first time, and there is no such thing as death as such either, after this life, you either go where Satan will end up at and feel pain for some time or at worse for all eternity or go where the good guys will end up at, and thats all, life is super simple like that, very simple, no need to complicate things, I was watching some Jews explaining their Talmud and they said even stones have souls, lol yea that what the Talmud is telling you, that stones have souls, and then the rabbi went on for an hour to explain how, no wonder people make life complicated for themselves, carrying all that un necessary weight on their shoulders for no good reason at all, all those books and they still have got it wrong, what a waste of time listening to all that, but I have nothing else to do, for me its education, I need to know what people believe in, and some apparently believe stones have souls too, ahhhh, you see now Dr Phil, I need help, these people are driving me crazy, and now I wanna run for office, you need to do something here Dr Phil, I need to know if I am running crazy or if others have lost their minds, which one is it. It will be good tv, I will give you a whole hour interview, ok lets not call it an interview, lets call it a therapy session, wink wink ;)

If all stones have souls, then there must be trillions o souls on this planet alone, because thats what they are saying.
