New Rule: Crypto Mania! | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I have always advise lazy people, in order to get somewhere, anywhere in life there is only one thing you need to think about and (do) that is to take some amount of physical materia and move that (matter) to somewhere else, you need to move (things) things you can hold in your hand, then the value of that physical matter will determine how successful you will get in life, you lazy people, if you move shit around, on the lower scale of (things) and what is shit, depleted form or energy, that wont get you far, but at least somewhere, and on the high scale of things, well use your own imagination what that could be, and this is the only way you can succeed, so the point is again, you need to move your ass to get somewhere, your ass is also in a way the lower scale of things, and you start there, by moving your ass, and work yourself up, now, in this day of age, we have "progressed" to the point that we have invented things even lower than shit, who could have thought of that, hmmm, and in such a mass scale that when the shit hits the fan that will be the shit show of all times, the collapse of American economy and by that worldwide global collapse of everything, Revelation 18 !!! dont say I never warned you about it, you greedy bastards, look I dont care, I have tons of GOLD, real money, I am trying to help you here, but your greedy minds cannot differentiate what you are hearing, free will, hang yourselves with it for all I care, I have topped caring, its hopeless, it really is, I understand it now, you are a hopeless race, so do what you want and see where it will lead you.
