New Rule: OK Boomer | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

The Progressives will become a rehabilitee in the coming elections, young people need to wise up and disassociate themselves with them and vote for better wiser candidates, look I know why you voted and supported them, you want universal healthcare you want some of the good things, but you will never get any of those things with these Progressive candidates and the reason is, they are too decisive, they cant even unite within their own party let alone with others, they run their own race and you can never get to any legislate anything into law with these people so its all a waste of time thinking you will get anywhere with them, they are hopeless you can wait and wait and hope they get any of these proposals into law but you are wrong, so I suggest you start to rethink your strategy young folks, take it from me, they are on the far extreme side of the left and anything extreme on any side will give you nothing but disappointments time after time, its like with people on the far right the Q Anon people, the Progressives are the Q Anon of the left, we need something new, something that makes sense not just for you but for those undecided, because you need to grab their attention, those in the middle, the biggest the largest part of the population, to get things like universal healthcare and these other stuff you need the swingers in the middle some on the right and many liberals, get their attention and you have a winning strategy and thats how you will get somewhere, you wont get anywhere but backwards when you vote for those extremists who wants to defund the police people who cheer for communism and rioters hooligans and the rest of it, not in politics, you young people need to see reality for what it is, this is not the way to do it, so next time, vote with your brains and put aside your emotions, welcome to the real world, you need a coalition to do all these things, the Progressives are not bridge builders like Q Anon people are not, you need to do better friends because this is just a waste of time and efforts, as I have told you before, be fluid dont get too attached to anyone and any group, be like water Bruce Lee said, be like water pure and clean in that way you can give life to others, good luck, wise up !!
