'One of the dumbest things I've ever heard': Former GOP rep. slams Carls...

I agree with former congressman Rooney, ever since Rupert Dumbdock entered the scene he changed the republican party into his own demonic image, the republican party shares no resemblance with the republican party of the 80s or even the 90s, I believe this Dumbdock is actually waging a secret war on conservatism, because look how he have made them look like today, perhaps he came as a blessing to the liberals, one thing is for sure he is not a conservative the man, and anyone claiming he is, is dumber than he is, but dont listen to me, for all I care, I think Rupert Dumbdock is good for me at least, I couldnt ask for a better opponent, the only sad thing is, he is costing this country and the rest of the world a lot of harm in the process, here is the thing, I have been following all kinds of conspiracy theory messages on the internet before YT came around, back then on Google video era, that was some time ago lol and looking back from day one, 95% of all these conspiracy videos were produced by right wingers, on basically all subjects, even today if you go and take a good look, basically every conspiracy theory clips were posted by right wingers, every single one of them, and in my view, only 50% of the content is fact based the rest is pure bs and un trues, fictional, and that has to do with the messages they receive themselves from their mega church cult leaders and from places where Rupert Dumbdocks media platforms, and they all are in cahoots with one another, they all are close buddy buddies, and they also are buddy buddy with someone much more sinister than themselves, and together they have taken all for a ride to bad place with their messages and teachings, this is the actual conspiracy going on, the real one, but who am I to say right, what do I know, it remains to be seen who was right and who is wrong.  
