Princes Won't Walk Together At Philip Funeral | The View

The chances of passing away of a patriarch or a matriarch for a family to fall apart is much much greater, I have seen it over and over again myself, there is not much hope left for the house of windsor, I give them ten more years or perhaps fifteen more years and it has all fall apart, Charles is basically hated in even in Britain let alone around the world, he will ensure the collapse of the Commonwealth like a dominos one after the other will start disassociating themselves with the Tampon Prince, and he doesnt have the wisdom to abdicate the thrown to that idiot son of his William, he wont because Charles have waited seventy years for his mother to die so he can finally be crown the loser he always has been, thats the kind of son Elisabeth gave birth to, a son that from the day he was brought out he sought to replace his own mother as the sovereign, so Charles will never let William to take over, the matter of fact is, its a catch 22, because either way, he is damned if he does and if he doesnt, works for me either way, its all good :) then there is only William I have to deal with, I miss it already lol its gonna be so so much fun, by then their approval ratings will come down to 20 maybe 25% and they wont be able to survive with those numbers, and on that time even in Britain I think my own approval numbers will be around at least 70% and much much higher around the world, something around 90%, so we just have to wait till they have beaten themselves down under, William WILL become the last in the house of windsor to rule Great Britain, just believe me, its true, the process has already started, nobody wants an ugly king.
The Brits want their Robin Hood as their King :)
