Sharon Osbourne talks with Bill Maher after her exit from 'The Talk' l GMA

Morgan is a man with many issues, one in my view is being racist, and I dont throw that adjective around in vain, when you take a closer look, racism is a sickness that is harbored in all races, its not just a white VS black thing, we have white racists as much as people of color, racism was the original sin let me remind you, and a white man like Morgan can be a racist while he would like to bang a black lady, we know many white racists sexually molested many of their black slaves, sure they didnt want them or in most cases even their own mixed race offsprings anywhere close to them but the lust of sex over took their true nature and still sexually molested their black female slaves, we know one can still harbor racism in their hearts and still have colored people as their co workers. but who but God knows, if these racists white or colored could have chosen they would rather have even their co workers from their own race, it does more to convince a person that you are not a racist just by the words you express, we know Sharon have in the past records expressed racist views, and when she say she has been called all kinds of names in the past, perhaps there is something to it, so I dont buy that she somewhere in that being of her that she and members of her family are not of those who I would call racists, and only a true racist would react the way she and Morgan reacted when they lashed out at their co workers in the manner they behaved, a person that is truly not a racist would have remained calm collected and saddened over the accusation, I would have, I wouldnt havent lashed out at in furious anger if I was called a racist, it wouldnt have bothered me because I know I am not, I would have been very disappointed but I wouldnt have reacted in anger, call me a racist all you want as long as I know I am not it wouldnt bite me anywhere, I wouldnt have got that defensive because I have nothing to hide, now back to that Morgan the bitch that just keep on giving, we know he had a hots for Princess Meghan and when she ignored him, thats one of the main reasons he went after her and now her husband Prince Harry, and I dont think the network should have allowed him to take his own personal issues with one one and take it to the point he took it, somebody should have been the adult in that place, and it has nothing to do with freedom of speech, the adults could have said, in this house you keep it civil, on your own free time do and say whatever the hell you want but if it reflects badly back at the workplace then we have a problem here, the network have this right, absolutely, and also keep in mind, Morgan the bitch he is, he walked out and quit his job, live on air, this is clearly a sign that the things said about his was true, and he couldnt take the heat stood up and walked away, like a pussy he is, and I say its not fair for anyone to misscharacterize what happened, if Maher would have gone that far to bring in his own issues and air it on his show I bet he would have been fired as well, thats not how a professional behaves, now we have the personal relationships between different personalities, its natural that many times for a friend to come to the defend of another friend even if a friend is wrong, it happens all the time, but we must always keep these issues out of sight and not normalize it in public, because it just sends a wrong message to the public, now some believe Sharon did nothing wrong by on air lashing out in anger towards her collogues as if Sharon was addressing her own daughter or her own children at home, she was rude unprofessional disrespectful and she should apologized for her action not be praised that what she did was somehow brave and just, if Maher himself would have been in the other shoe he would definitely been offended and we know he have a think skin himself and easily get offended but again Sharon is his friend and he miss characterized what happened instead of being fair bias and asked the right question instead of cheering her for the way Sharon behaved, perhaps he will be more fair in the future who knows I hope he will, friendship aside, objectivity is a requirement for those who have been given a large platform to express themselves and bring by those who they bring on air, thats why I dont have any friends perhaps lol but its alright as long as one is happy with themselves thats all that matters for me at least, I dont like hypocrites around me, people are allowed to be wrong but stubborn unredeemable hypocrites I dont like.
I wouldnt like to see Sharon or Piers on tv, because they are just too toxic, I hope our CEOs take heed of that and let people know that its bad for business if they hire them.
