The Military Industrial Complex and CNN Being Exposed

This guy doesnt know what he is talking about or does he ?? hmmm, the monarchs have been around for centuries and millennials, they are NOT gone, who do you think sponsored the Boscovichs other luciferin cults like the Nazis and Hitler and many others, the old monarchs are where they always have been, and they are more powerful today than ever before, look these guys are only telling you part of the story, the real issue is, none of these guys ever would tell you the whole story because they are afraid or perhaps dont want you to know the real story, what I do know is, only the part of the story being told is misleading people from the real facts, the fact is what Scriptures has told us, the Red Dragon has seven heads with ten horns, meaning the Evil One is in FULL command of a handful of nations and kingdoms, again monarchies !! and what monarchs have the image of a red dragon as their symbols, well look it up yourselves, and what companies also use the image of a red dragon as their logos, is Space X one of them, and what does the letter X means, it means the unknown or the unseen, what was the Devils biggest trick pulled on mankind ?? is it too far fetch to believe the Luciferians also have a hand in space exploration and these industries, look guys, They would never ever allow anyone get to that point to become that wealthy if a contracts an understanding was not made long before that, and now everything that is going around around crypto currencies, also something most unholy, how some these super wealthy people always do the most unholy things, and you wonder why people are against vaccinations, when Bill Gates ON RECORD said, ' the way to depopulate the planet is through vaccinations ' my question is, what does vaccination have to do with depopulation, I thought the vaccines where to save humanity not kill it, and now these people are trying to play god with cloning, the way I see it, their arrogance is leading all of humanity into total extermination because they know the Creator exist and they also know about their master Satan, and these idiots have bought everything they have been promised by this Satan, false promises of course, because Satan is NOT to be trusted, and from what I know and I know a thing or two, is that the Creator and His many powerful allies and entities will never allow mankind to step a foot on any other planet, the Moon is as far as we were allowed to go to, nothing after that, did you guys really believe God would allow the corruption of these luciferian to infect other planets, haa think again, its going to end right here were we are, the day mankind steps on Mars, on that day you can say and do whatever you want with me, I am confident they wont allow us to leave anywhere, this is a prison planet and no amount of money or anything else will get anyone off this prison, you wanted a reality show, you got it ;)
