The Solutions Project's Mark Ruffalo and Gloria Walton on climate justic...

Mark Ruffalo is one of my heroes, a real life Hulk-Man :) I would like to see ALL new homes being built with renewable energy sources built in its design, solar AND wind, small high quality wind turbines is a must, but it has to be good stuff, like Rutland wind generators, its a UK based company and its all built in UK and not in some far away continent, I highly recommend them ! if they still produce the turbines in UK that is, until a few years ago they did and if they still do I suggest people look into their products, but wind is a good compliment to solar, you need both, but if we can get locally made inexpensive wind turbines here too that would be even better, but it has to be good stuff because 95% of the wind generators are not up to the job, good luck, make something out of it !!
And also, when you do something like what you doing right now, leave the topic of (race) out of the conversation, just drop that phrase, poor while people dont like to hear it and I agree with them, just drop that word (race) it doesnt belong in an just equable world where everyone must be included, sure people of color has been affected more than others but in the new world we want to create, the word (race) have no place, its setting everyone back, thats what I mean, it doesnt propel you forward efficiently you dont need that, you need all the wind you can get behind your sail to get where you want to get faster, anyways, good luck Hulk-Man with your projects :)
