Watch jury's verdict at Derek Chauvin's trial

He should spend the rest of his life locked up, thats what you get for taking a mans life, if you have no idea how it feels to have a mans knee on back of your neck I do, a 300 pound fat fucking racist jail guard and his buddy put the whole of his weight on back of my neck for minutes, and that fat sadistic fuck knew what he was doing, and I can tell you, the blood flow almost stopped and my neck is stronger than Georges was but it didnt help I was about to get suffocated too, but thank God a nice companionate Serbian prison guard a good guy came to my rescue otherwise it could have ended like it did with Floyd here, and the thing was, I had done nothing wrong, this piece of this was just looking forward to make my stay there worse than it was, he was 110% a racist fuck, so I know how it feels to deal with these racist rats, I hope he stays for the rest of his life locked up, he should get at least 40 years times two, he tortured and killed a man, he didnt just killed him, he tortured him for nine minutes before he died, at least 40 years, and that means staying locked up for 40 years.
I do not trust much in this world but the US judicial system I do actually trust, not the Swedish one, that one is corrupt at it is in Iran or any other shit hole country, but the American one is has to be the fairest in the world, if its one good thing still standing in this world, that it is, God bless America :)
